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Metropolitan New York Shoe Market Tel: 609-452-2800 Fax: 609-452-2875
Western & English Apparel and Equipment Market USA, Denver, Colorado Organiza:Western & English Manufacturers Association (WAEMA) Tel: 303-295-1040 Fax: 303-295-0941
Expo Riva Shuh ITALIA, Riva del Garda
Hong Kong Fashion Week CHINA, Hong Kong Organiza: Hong Kong Trade Development Council Tel: (852)2240-4467 Fax:(852)2824-0026
Shot Show USA, Las Vegas, Nevada, Sans Exposition Center/Venetian Hotel Organiza: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. Tel: 203-840-5600
MOCAP PORTUGAL, Oporto Organiza: APPICCAPS Tel: 351 2 5074150 Fax: 351 2 5074179 e-mail: AYMOD - International Footwear Fashion Fair TURKIA, Istanbul Organiza: RDF Fuarcilik, Ltd. Sti Tel: 90-212-251-2328 Fax: 90-212-252-9886 PielEspaña ESPAÑA, Barcelona Organiza:Fira de Barcelona Tel: 34-93-233-20-00 Fax: 34-93-233-23-40 e-mail:
Dhaka International Leather Fair BANGLADESH, Dhaka Organiza: Export Promotion Bureau y Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters' Association Tel: 88-02-9555434 Fax: 88-02-9568000 e-mail Export Promotion Bereau: e-mail BFLLFEA: o
28 al 31 de enero Pret a Porter- París PARIS, France Organiza:Sodes Tel: 33 1 44 94 70 00 Fax: 33 1 44 94 70 05 e-mail:
30 al 31 de enero
Collections-Salon & Bridge USA, New York Organiza: Fashion Footwear Association of NY Tel: 212-767-0200 Fax: 212-767-0201 IILF - India International Leather Fair INDIA, Chennai Organiza: India Trade Promotion Organization Tel: 91-11-3318143 Fax: 91-11-3318142 e-mail: |
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Cueronet no se responsabiliza por las eventuales alteraciones en fechas y lugares de las citadas ferias.
Recomendamos comunicarse directamente con cada feria de su interés para verificar los mismos.
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