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13:11:59 |
Asunto: Hides & Skins Agency for Italian market
We are hides and skins agents since 1970 based in Santa Croce sull'Arno (Pisa - Italy).
Our main activity is to represent exporters/producers of hides and skins, raw and semi-tanned, in the Italian Market.
We are currently interested to get in contact with reliable suppliers of wet blue and crust upholstery hides as we have good demand both from tanneries and leathersofa-producers.
Ph. 0039.0571.32727
Fax 0039.0571.31207
e.mail: [email protected]
12:42:46 |
RE: Hides & Skins Agency for Italian market
Hi Andrital, We are a company that is dedicated to the leather product manufacture diverse. (carpets, patchwork, found for armchairs). These products are 100% Argentine quality. We looked for to export and to represent other countries.
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